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Wednesday, June 6, 2018


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Discuss purchasing a diamond on the web and you would consider a site with decent pictures and truly content. Shockingly this method of offering and purchasing diamonds online has its inconveniences. The purchaser is for the most part not specifically associated with the dealer and questions exist in regards to the nature of the diamonds advertised.

GLITZKOIN is currently ready to change all that with the presentation, of a diamond blockchain in view of the most recent innovation. Online diamond purchasers would get specifically associated with diamond dealers, no brokers and no swelled sticker prices.

Dealers would list diamonds confirmed by presumed diamond testing labs. Finish data identified with every diamond would be stacked on the blockchain. Information once entered would shape a lasting record. Basically, nobody could alter a record that has been entered. This condition to encourage online diamond purchasing, has at no other time been accessible to diamond purchasers.

A buy made on the diamond blockchain would be paid for utilizing the GLITZKOIN crypto currency. Not any more costly bank expenses and confused currency changes to manage. A diamond recorded by a vender from any piece of the globe, could be bought from pretty much any geological area.

With the nonattendance of ordinary expedites, the real cost cited by the vender will be plainly obvious to each planned purchaser. The diamond exchange has for quite a long time worked with the assistance of numerous intermediaries in the inventory network. Financier charges and commissions, shroud the underlying cost cited by the vender.

There are various basic administrations required to finish an online diamond buy. Other than a solid online installment framework, there would be a prerequisite for administrations like protection and delivery. The more extensive extent of the GLITZKOIN diamond blockchain, would expedite these administrations to a similar stage. This is something that will work to the benefit of the purchaser and merchant.

A solid specialized group combined with an unmatched mastery in all parts of the diamond business, guarantee that the GLITZKOIN venture will set the unrivaled gauges expected of a best in class online diamond exchanging stage, fueled by blockchain innovation.

The advantages of GLITZKOIN 

The GLITZKOIN  is executed on the prevalent Stellar blockchain. This stage is known for its fast and low exchange costs.

The buy of this crypto currency can be paid for by utilizing a select gathering of crypto monetary standards. Ordinary cash can likewise be utilized to support the buy

The hearty diamond exchanging stage being worked as a major aspect of the GLITZKOIN venture, will utilize this crypto currency to finance exchanges

The undertaking is overseen by a group of exceedingly gifted experts. These incorporate specialists from the piece chain innovation division and the diamond business

The fast acknowledgment of crypto monetary forms will guarantee that, the GLITZKOIN crypto will sooner rather than later be acknowledged as a method of installment for a scope of products and ventures


For More information about this project kindly visit the following links 

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