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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Hi everyone!!!!
Today I will like to drawn your attentions to this new interesting and profitable project in blockchain technology, It first of it kind with no comparison. What is this project ( DACSEE )all about?
The DACSEE Platform (“Decentralized Serviced Cables Serving & Empowering Everyone”) is the first fully decentralized and autonomous social travel sharing service in the world. DACSEE drivers buy DACSEE Coin (token cryptocurrency on blockchain Ethereum) but can accept rates from passengers with the same token or other traditional fiat methods. When a fee is collected, almost everything is returned to platform stakeholders consisting of drivers, passengers and government authorities. This unique design allows DACSEE to expand virally without the help or control of a corporate entity.

Each developing business sector is encountering expanding enduring and the application area here and there is the same. Today is controlled by a modest bunch of monsters who get over the top financing from industrialist and even government endeavors, which they use to finance levy rates, misleadingly empty traveler costs and at last make unsustainable air pockets that genuinely imperil drivers after unavoidable pop.


DACSEE aims to solve crucial problems with today’s ride sharing platforms – including safety and lack of passenger loyalty.

To solve these problems, DACSEE will create a ride sharing platform in a decentralized environment. Drivers will be able to earn a sustainable income through the platform thanks to MLM-style features like a 3 level referral system, giving drivers recurring commissions over time when they refer other drivers to DACSEE.
DACSEE is active in Malaysia. The platform launched in 2017 and already has 5,000 active, registered drivers. A token sale for DACSEE tokens is on now and it end May 31th 2018.

The DACSEE token is a decentralized Ethereum ERC20 token that customers will use to pay for taxi rides in a safe and unstoppable way. It will be distributed to all ICO contributors automatically through the Ethereum network and will be accessible to all users online through the DACSEE Wallet App and on the Google Play Store. Like all ERC20-compliant tokens, DACSEE tokens can be stored and transferred only with a Ethereum private key and can be used across platforms in many Ethereum perfect wallets.
The main driving force behind DACSEE token requests lies in the many ways used in the DACSEE ride-sharing app. In most freight applications, drivers are required to pay a deposit before accepting passengers, so their referrals can receive their commissions. DACSEE is no different; However, in this platform the driver pays a commission in the form of a DACSEE token. This makes market demand, since all drivers on the pratform must buy tokens through an incorporated exchange utilizing the app, or as non-drivers, will utilize different sites or exchanges.
How can I Get Involve In DACSEE
DACSEE Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) is currently running now , by joining the ICO automatically you are a member of the project!



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