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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

EXTOKE a Fee less decentralized trading platform

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Hi friends, welcome to another edition of cryptocurrency and blockchain development. Just as my usual practice of bringing great and valuable information to your door step, I think today’s own will unique as I have decided to give you information about this interested and profitable project, Fee less decentralized trading platform called “EXTOKE.” Please take your time to read through, I bet you at the end of your reading something important will come to your mind.

What is Extoke?

ExToke is a decentralized trading platform that lets you trade Ether and Ethereum-based tokens directly with other users. You are responsible for your own account, funds, and private keys. You are responsible for your own trading decisions, and the details and mechanics of the tokens you trade. ExToke is not responsible for your decisions, actions, or losses that result from using ExToke. ExToke makes no guarantee about the tokens that you trade using ExToke. ExToke does not hold your funds and does not offer refunds. While the information contained on ExToke is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided on ExToke is correct, complete, or up-to- date. By using ExToke, you acknowledge this and agree to these terms.

Why Decentralized? 

Decentralized exchanges completely eliminate the need for a third party service to hold user funds in a centralized system. Trading occurs in a peer-to-peer fashion through automated processes, without trading fees. More importantly, funds belong to the users themselves. In contrast to centralized exchanges (CEXs), where if a user deposits their funds, they are basically the exchange’s funds. Furthermore, since there aren’t any centralized servers to hack, there are no server downtimes or fear of a large scale hack.” Decentralized exchanges are essentially apparati upon which people can exchange, whereas centralized exchanges follow a model similar to a bank, holding custody over funds with limited oversight and the constant threat of hacks. DEX provides a safe, fast and secure solution to trading tokens.
The purpose of ExToke 
Remove fees and to put the profits back in the hands of the people. To bring fairness, transparency and security to the world of cryptocurrency trading.
The Vision of ExToke 
Liberated and empowered cryptocurrency traders will expand the crypto market and instil a sense of peace and security throughout the industry. Enjoying a 100% safe and secure, fee free trading environment, traders will thrive and prosper like never before. The ExToke Pilosophy The underlying philosophy of ExToke is that all crypto traders deserve the right to trade in an environment where their funds are safe and they are free to profit without trading fees.
Benefits To Traders
No fees mean that traders can trade any number of tokens without
worrying about taking losses due to fees. This allows the opportunity to use multiple short term trading strategies without pesky fees getting in the way!
ExToke offers 24/7 dedicated support to ensure that your trading
experience is as smooth as possible!
Benefits To ICO Holders
Every token launch will be announced through multiple social media channels and mobile notifications via the ExToke Mobile Trading App.
All projects will be listed on our website and social media to ensure
maximum audience exposure.
A great incentive for investors to trade your token on our exchange.
24/7 dedicated support for developers to ensure that investors have
unlimited and uninterrupted access to trading your token.
The exchange problems which Extoke intend to end:
 High Fees
 Security concerns (money held in admin accounts)
 Serious risk of falling victim to hackers
High Trading Fees:
The top 30 cryptocurrency exchanges, on average, charge 0.2% trading fees for both makers and takers, which impact traders’ profit margins significantly. Some exchanges claim that they charge low trading fees, but these reduced rates often only apply once a trader’s volume has reached a very high threshold.
Difficulties of Real-time Trading:
Due to rate-limited trading APIs, non-real-time transaction confirmation, and delayed order book updates, traders are unable to trade in real-time.
Asset Security Issues:
Cryptocurrency trading platforms hold a large amount of cryptocurrency deposits, making them unavoidably the target of hackers. On February 24th, 2014, Mt.Gox, a Bitcoin exchange, was breached and lost 650,000 Bitcoin, which is currently worth $2,500,000,000USD; in August 2016, Bitfinex, one of the world’s top 10 cryptocurrency exchange, was hacked and lost 120,000 Bitcoin, currently valued at more than $480,000 USD. It seems like every other week we here about another crypto exchange being hacked. If investors continue to be concerned about security issues, then the growth of the cryptocurrency trading market will be affected.
ExToke aim to solve the existing problems of current cryptocurrency exchanges. ExToke features ZERO trading fees to maximize traders’ profit and overall user experience.
ExToke has the ability to process orders in real time via our XTO
Exchange Smart Contract, achieving the true “real-time” trading
Decentralized exchanges are the safest way to trade. With DEX, you hold your funds. You OWN your funds. They do not sit in an admin account waiting to be removed by an off-shore hacker! Our DEX solution offers complete security via our XTO smart contract.
YOU own your funds and they remain safe and secure within your
wallet. Our XTO smart contract safely and instantly carries out trades with no fees. ExToke make no commission from your trades and your funds are never at any point sitting in a wallet that does not belong to you. We also offer a dedicated 24/7 support team via email, social media and live chat via Telegram. 
ExToke is a new fee free Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange with absolutely no fees for buyer or sellers. ExToke has set out to solve all of the problems associated with modern day centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, while also improving on the decentralized exchange concept. Extoke will strengthen the DEX industry by offering an instant, trustless, secure token exchange process via our XTO smart contract. 
Token Details
Name of token: EXTOKE ( XTO )
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 XTO
Token Sale Supply: 500,000,000 XTO
Hard Cap: 500 ETH
Soft cap: 50 ETH
Discounted Exchange Rate: 0.000001 ETH = 1 XTO
Standard Exchange Rate: 0.0001 ETH = 1 XTO
50% of the total supply of XTO will be distributed during the token sale.
Each XTO token will initially be priced at the discounted rate of 0.000001
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