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Friday, August 24, 2018

eLYQD the decentralized ethereum based ECOsystem

eLYQD is a decentralized ethereum based  ECOsystem commercial center that will be the structure for the whole vaping industry. One of the principal highlights of eLYQD is the utilization of blockchain innovation, which permits making the platform straightforward, open and as sheltered as feasible for both exchange parties, lessening of exchange and business expenses, and disentangling of the buying procedure.
eLYQD is a platform intended to permit vaping industry makers to make an online store that will make great utilization of the most cutting-edge innovations in the web-based business field, and giving the vaping network the flexibility of decision and the alternative to paying for items with LYQD tokens, fiat or digital forms of money.


The eLYQD marketplace will increase the efficacy of all business interactions by freeing them from all kinds of middlemen and making those interactions immediate, transparent, secure and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved by creating a fast blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem and organizing user interactions on the peer-to-peer basis. The eLYQD ecosystem will be used by mass consumers and product manufacturers, from all around the world.
  • BLOCKCHAINDistributed blockchain ensures total transparency and verification of each transaction, including detailed product characteristics, its price structure, relevant circumstances of the sale, as well as reputed profiles of the sale parties. The eLYQD ecosystem will be deployed on the Ethereum platform.
  • PEER-TO-PEER: The peer-to-peer principle of interaction within eLYQD will allow all participants to interact directly. This removes middleman-related costs. The price of a product or a service will be passed over to the manufacturer in its entirety. The end-price of a product will only contain real production costs and a fair margin.
  • ELYQD UTILITY TOKEN: Payments within the eLYQD ecosystem will be affected in the system’s own crypto-tokens—LYQD, ERC20-compliant. The function of the token will be to reward users for active use of the ecosystem and contributions to its development (rewards include several types of crypto-paybacks, loyalty, promotions).
  • ARBITRATION: In the case of a dispute between buyer and seller, an arbitration service is available. We encourage sellers to choose an arbitrator, as it increases the trust level for buyers and also the probability that purchases will be made. If both parties dispute a transaction, the seller will pay the arbitrator out of the escrowed funds. For buyers, arbitration is always free of charge.
  • REPUTATION SYSTEM: Every seller and buyer will have a reputation rating derived from their conduct during every transaction. Users with a low or negative reputation score may be filtered out, in order to protect other users from fraud and wasted time. This reputation system will encourage legitimate merchants and customers to act honestly and to build up a solid reputation.
  • FIAT PAYMENTS: Ether, like all cryptocurrencies, is volatile, changing in value on a daily basis, relative to national currencies like the dollar and the euro. eLYQD will develop an integrated payment system that works like ether, but converts to currencies at a ratio of 1:1. Finally, items can be priced in a national currency, and you will know exactly how much you’re spending or being paid.


Within the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbiters, distribution, and shippers interact directly with one another. Transactions are powered by LYQD and therefore they are fast, secure and transparent. There is no need for intermediaries that exist in traditional vaping ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the value generated by the community within the ecosystem.

Token Distribution

Global Problems & eLYQD Solutions

Listed below are a few of the upcoming milestones of the eLYQD project.
  • 2018 › An idea is born. A decentralized marketplace exclusively for the vaping industry › Bringing some serious change through our direct to consumer marketplace
  • Q3 – Q4 2018 › Funding for development › Launch of the marketplace via the sale of LYQD tokens
  • Q1 2019 › Development of an alpha version of the marketplace testing › All connections made through HTTPS › Escrow & Arbitration smart contracts › Universal search bar › Blockchain caching system › Free, private image uploading › Unencrypted chat system › x2 Geth and caching nodes
  • Q2 2019 › Blockchain caching system › Free, private image uploading › Unencrypted chat system › Public beta testing › Localization in 20 languages › Error reporting system › integration › Web version & filtering system › Importable theme system › Shipping provider integration
  • Q3 2019 › Escrow app & arbitration providers › Importable theme system › Naming system, Sigs & Nametags › Reputation system › Shipping provider integration › Variable and safe-low gas cost › Reputation system › Mobile apps for iOS and Android › Additional shipping provider integration › Storefront system › Bulk inventory upload
  • Q4 2019 › Live desktop app for escrow and arbitration › Live app › Live web version › Integrated encrypted chat system › Filtering system › Variable and safe-low gas cost › Complete Geth and caching node network › Storefront system › Bulk inventory upload › Additional languages › Fiat payment system
Note that not all the websites Which listed in Top List are 100% safe to use or investment. We do not promote any of those. Due diligence is your own responsibility. You should never make an investment in an online program with money you aren’t prepared to lose. Make sure to research the website. So Please take care of your investments. and be on the safe site and avoid much losing online.
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